If you’re a comic, writer, or speaker who is afraid to reveal your true self, you’ll want to listen to Judy’s guests, comics Franqi French, Tehran Von Ghasri, Zainab Johnson, & Brandon Broady who have the courage to stop trying to please others, & tell the truth… but funnier. BRANDON BROADY https://instagram.com/zainabjohnson?igshid=trigtyo51f0k ZAINAB JOHNSON https://instagram.com/zainabjohnson?igshid=trigtyo51f0k FRANQI FRENCH https://instagram.com/franqifrench?igshid=40jlt02fcgm3 TEHRAN https://instagram.com/iamtehran?igshid=1qoo3yld4nysl To learn more about Judy Carter go to: https://judycarter.com/ To learn more about Judy’s programs go to: https://themessageofyou.com/ Join us on Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/761037607301720/