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Stress Management Speaker: Stress IS a Laughing Matter

What Ya Get:
  • Clean Comedy that will please the most conservative Church Lady
  • Customized comedy material specific to your stress management
  • Spontaneous interactive audience participation
  • How to use comedy techniques so rather than getting mad, you get funny
  • Stress tips on how to reduce stress and anxiety
  • Finding happiness even if you’re fat, broke and surrounded by idiots

Need stress relief? Want clean comedy? Call Judy Carter -- the funniest female speaker you’ve ever heard. As a world renown expert in stress management, Judy shows how to let go of serious stress by laughing at it. In her keynotes, that she meticulously customizes to cater to your women’s organization, Judy illustrates the power of stories and humor to turn problems into punch lines.

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Women and Leadership Keynotes: When Things Get Dire… Inspire with Your Message!

Need some female empowerment tactics? Want to reignite your passion for your work and advance? Want to become recognized as a thought leader? Need employee engagement strategies?

In her inspiring and hilarious keynote, based on her book, “The Message of You,” (St. Martin’s Press), humorist and stress reduction expert, Judy Carter takes you on an amazing journey – into yourself. She teaches that even if you feel like an “ordinary” woman, you have extraordinary stories to share. A story only you can tell. A story that can inspire others, ignite your career, and help you better connect with your clients, friends, and family.

What is this amazing story? Your journey from Mess to Success! Judy shows how the worst messes of our lives actually contain a MESSage of inspiration. Every woman has faced challenges, overcome obstacles and acquired wisdom along the way.

When we connect with that message, we can then use it, along with stories and humor, as a leadership tool that gets others to listen, connect, and take action. Knowing and sharing your message creates stronger loyalty with your clients, motivates your staff and reminds you of what you stand for, so when things get dire – you can inspire.

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What Ya Get:
  • Learn to use stories and humor to connect with clients and customers
  • Get in touch with your essential life message to become a thought leader
  • Build your executive presence by speaking your message rather than data
  • Know and speak your heart story

Female Entrepreneurs: Ignite Your Business with The Message of You

What Ya Get:
  • Build presence by speaking your message via stories rather than data and credentials
  • Identify your core message and heart stories to use in your speech, website, and social media
  • Turning Your Message into a TED Talk to Promote Your Business
  • As this is a Judy Carter session - you will laugh your socks off

Want to have more customers, opt-ins on your website, and clicks on your “Buy Now” button?

Do what Hollywood does -- use stories to inspire others -- stories that have your core message embedded in them, making you a high-wattage influencer.

What is The Message of You™?

The Message of You™ is a distillation of all of your experiences, both personal and professional, that have formed the narrative or meaning of your life. It’s your signature story that combines your skills, expertise and wisdom. The Message of You™ is what makes you stand out as someone who has something unique to offer. It creates your brand, your TED talk, and connects you to your audience.

Judy Carter will show you how to find this heart story and turn it into a compelling message that will get you booked and have audiences laughing and wiping tears from their eyes.

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Additional Keynote Titles for Women’s Organizations:

  • Rebranding YOU by Doing Something Different

  • How to Get What Your Want Before You Forget What That Is

  • Nursing Leadership: Avoid Burnout – Don’t Get Mad… Get Funny

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